Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Apple Turnovers

Holy amazing these were good, but extremely rich. They are composed of butter, bread, sugar, and moutain dew (and of course apples) which explains the richness. I barely got a picture b/c I wanted one as soon as it was out and while they were still hot. I gave them away, don't worry. I still had one to satisfy my craving though. It was worth it.

Check out Pioneer Woman's blog for the recipe and browse through her other recipes.. they're all amazing! She's not afraid of butter though, just as a reminder.


Jenn and Neena Mae said...

Pioneer Woman is the bomb! Those look really good.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, those look good! We just went to the orchard last weekend and I've been trying to figure out what to do with 20+ lbs of apples!