Thursday, December 11, 2008

So this is Christmas

A little follow through of our holiday preparations.

Usually starts with a husband untangling lights.

Which ended up with a very nicely decorated deck.

One family all bundled up and ready to go on a Christmas tree search.

Which leads to a tree tied to the top of our car which said husband must then drag up the steps

But it ends with a very nicely decorated tree.

On Nov 15th of every year we exchange ornaments. It's the day we started dating and even though we're married it's still a tradition we like to follow. It was 7 years last month, holy crap.

Casey got me a little black and white dog with an '08 around his neck to symbolize the year I got Tuck. Very thoughtful ;)

I got him some shirtless elf ESPN fans.

Stockings are hung and ready to go...

Christmas cookies are made and already being devoured. I got the recipe from Katie at Good Things Catered if you want an awesome sugar cookie recipe. I also made peanut butter blossoms but they didn't make it in our house long enough to be photographed.

My Secret Santa gift is out and I've already received mine (Thanks Danielle by the way!)

One Christmas wedding attended which resulted in a good time =)

And last but not least, one very unhappy shih tzu in an elf costume.

Can't think of anything missing so far =) Shopping is almost done. I would say by this weekend it should be finished and that will leave me 2 weeks to relax and enjoy the holiday season.

Enjoy it while it's here =)

1 comment:

  1. That picture of your dog made me laugh out loud..he does not look too happy! I love your ornament tradition--that's a great one you got him! Merry Christmas!:)
