Friday, December 12, 2008

My Day at Work

It was door decorating day at work and the theme this year was your favorite Christmas movie. Another co-worker and I teamed up and picked the movie Elf (one of the best Christmas movies ever made). Anyway the idea of our door went with three scenes that we printed out: Buddy making his breakfast, Buddy singing, and the snowball fight.

This was the snowball scene in the lower left hand and we decorated the outside with cotton balls and snowflakes.

Here's a picture of Buddy with the words "The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear!". I printed out some music notes that are going to go in that blank space underneath the word Santa which just makes me think of the scene in Gimbles where he yells "SANTAAAAAA!".

This one is a little blurry but this is the scene w/ buddy eating breakfast and dumping chocolate and syrup all over everything. We decorated the outside with peppermints and that's a bottle of maple syrup in the top corner. I made the felt hats to the right and Laura glued jelly beans and pixy stix sporadically throughout the door.

I may not have gotten many financial analyses done today, but I did do Buddy great justice.

(These were taken on my cell phone so the quality isn't that great)

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