Saturday, September 6, 2008

Do you want to know...

...why I don't mind cooking? It's because I never have to do the dishes. That would be a job for the boys and they do it so well.

I also want to share with you two small things that have made my life easier this week. Number one would be my lid holder as shown below.

Since we've decided to halt our house hunting, I've been looking for ways to make everything more organized. Really, my only complaint about being in an apartment is the lack of kitchen storage. We have storage out the hoohah everywhere else in the apartment. Our closets are huge, we have a big bedroom, a big laundry room, a big second bedroom, a huge outside storage building etc. The kitchen, not so much. I decided moving my lids out of the cabinet where I keep my pots would keep my sanity and I found this lid holder on Amazon for like 7 bucks. I stuck it in the pantry b/c I didn't want to drill holes in the cabinet and it works really well.

The second thing is the Green Machine.

If you have a dog you'll especially appreciate this. It's a handheld carpet cleaner. You can even leave the cleaning fluid in it and just pick it up and plug it in when you want to use it. I think I got it for like $70 off of Amazon and it's come in handy so far. We haven't had to use it on accidents yet (go Tuck!) but I used it on a couple of spots that I knew he caused when he was younger. I have a tendency to be the spiller in the house anyway so I think we'll get our money's worth. Plus you can use it for your car, which isn't a bad idea.
I just realized I got excited over a carpet cleaner and a lid rack. Oh well. I'm waiting for my cake to come out of the oven and I felt like blogging. I'm making a butter cake with coconut frosting for my sister's birthday so I'll blog about that when I'm finished.
I hope everyone's having a good weekend!

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