Sunday, September 14, 2008

Birthday Weekend

Well not mine, but we went in last weekend on Sunday to celebrate my sister's birthday a couple of days early and I took some pictures while we were there. It's been chaos the past few times we've been in with my niece and the two dogs. He loves to chase Maddy (my sister's lab) around. She's about 80 lbs and when he tries to play with her she takes off sprinting through the house and hops in the air and lets out these yelping barks and the baby is laughing during the middle of all of this. It's pretty entertaining to watch but when there are two dogs, a baby, and 7 people in the house it can get hectic.

It was fun though. I made a cake and ended up getting a back-up ice cream cake when I realized my sister didn't like cream cheese frosting (whoops). We got to play badminton and volleyball outside and it was a gorgeous day. Tuck's doing well on the car rides in but we haven't stayed away from our home since we got him just b/c I don't know how he'd do through the night. We'll find out next weekend when we go in for a wedding.

Lillian and Casey watching football

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