Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Lil's Birthday

We helped Lillian celebrate her 2nd birthday a few weeks ago and it's so amazing to see how much she has grown since last year.

I love this little girl.

My sister and Lil
I made her cake this year and I'm not a skilled decorator so don't judge me :) She had a farm animal theme so I decorated farm animal sugar cookies w/ royal icing and stacked them around the cake with coconut grass. The cake was a three layer Hershey's perfectly chocolate cake and the middle layers were white chocolate buttercream and the outer layer was just plain ol' vanilla buttercream. It turned out really well and I got a couple of requests for cakes with those particular flavors again so, yay!

Before Casey wrote on the cookies.

Duck sugar cookie favors.

Waiting so patiently for her cake.

Present time!

One of the outfits we got for her. I might kind of want it in my size.

Her baby Stella doll and carrier. This is such a cuuuuute doll if you need a gift for a little girl. She has a little magnetic pacifer and she's so soft.

This picture cracks me up b/c I feel like Tuck is plotting how to take her down in the background. He wants to be a princess for the day too.

We also got to babysit her for the first time this past week. My sister left her here while she was sleeping so she kind of freaked out when she woke up but we made up for it and played with jewelry, jumped on the bed, and made sugar cookies.

Casey and Lil playing with sugar cookie dough (and eating some of it).

Telling Tuck Tuck that it was all gone. She has always been able to say Tuck Tuck really easily but she has trouble with Sookie. She was "Cookie" or "Wookie", but close enough.

We topped off the night with some Wall-E snuggled up on the couch. We're so lucky to have her in our lives :)


  1. Hi Renee! I tagged you in my blog today :-) http://toteslife.blogspot.com/2010/02/wednesday-pick-me-up.html

  2. Well boo, Katie beat me to it...
    I tagged you too. :)
