Monday, September 21, 2009

Light Progress

We decided to change out our two hallway lights this afternoon.

Pretty huh?

One down...

Fluffy puppy gets bored with home improvements. He protests by sitting in the middle of everything.

I do just as much as Casey. Don't be fooled. After he installed the first light and had to redo it I told him that behind every man with a tool is a woman with instructions.

Both of them up and going. Much better!

I also came home to my candle exchange gift! I joined an online Fall exchange and we decided to do candles this year. I just mailed mine off today so I hope my receiver likes the ones I picked out. I got a great deal on soy candles that were being discontinued. My sender gave me a spiced cider candle and a harvest spice cake candle. They smell great and make me excited for the coming of Fall which is tomorrow ahhhhh....

Just one last picture from the Tech game on Saturday as we were leaving. We tailgated early and had a great time and we're heading back for the Boston College game in a couple of weeks. Most people know I'm not a big football fan, but I do like the socializing aspect of games ;)

After the game we came home and crashed. We were dogsitting this past weekend so we just let the dogs play while we napped on and off. I managed to get motivated to put a roast on Sunday and I'm sure we'll have that again sometime this week. We just finished up an easy dinner (taco night) and I'm blogging inbetween the premiere of House tonight. Oh how I've missed you Fall tv.


  1. I like the new lights! We just replaced a hideous light fixture in our dining room. It feels like a brand new house!

  2. I like your new lights! My husband put up our first new light in our house too and then got frustrated. Six months later, the wife with the instructions had to hang the other two. :) Funny how that works!

    P.S. I love your hair cut!

  3. Etta- Lights can make such a difference and it really takes no time at all. I'm big on the non expensive not time consuming changes ;)

    Mrs B- Thanks! I figured out that we're a pretty decent team if we combine his strength and my instruction reading ability!
