Saturday, May 23, 2009

I'm cautiously saying...

That we're going to be homeowners! and it's all moved along incredibly quick I might add. We were really wanting to wait until July/August to buy but we were still looking in case anything popped up that we loved and we saw this home once and made an offer.

It almost didn't work out for us. I called our realtor to accept the seller's counteroffer (which we were very happy with) and the seller's realtor beeped in to say that another offer had just come in on the home. Apparently the home was priced very well to begin with but they decided to drop the price of the home $5k to move along the process. When they dropped the price it fell into our search criteria and people started showing a lot of interest in the home (including us).

We formally put in an offer on Tuesday night and we had to wait until Wednesday to find out if the seller's accepted our offer or the other offer. We got the call at one o'clock on Wednesday telling us that we got the home! We're both so excited but we know that we still have a few hoops to jump through. We have the inspection on Tuesday and we'll feel a lot better after we get that over with.

There are a few things we'd like to do, but the home is relatively new so it's definitely move in ready. We've had a really positive experience so far with the sellers, our realtor, and lender so I hope it continues to go well. I told Casey this all feels surprisingly non-stressful haha. We're set to close on June 30th but I know that's subject to change. Here are some pictures I was able to pull from the listing.


  1. The deck and yard are especially awesome! Tuck is going to love it. I hope it all works out!

  2. It's so beautiful! Congratulations! The yard and view are amazing. I love the style of the home. The front is gorgeous. Good luck with everything!

  3. Congratulations on your new home! It's sooo beautiful!

  4. Very nice indeed. A beautiful first (any) home. I really like the green, mountains, and horses in the view. I will be e-mailing photos of our finally-completed new home near Cloudcroft, NM soon. Love and luck to you and Casey. Aunt Lyn
