Tuesday, September 30, 2008

TWD: Snickery Squares

This week the recipe chosen was creme brulee but you were allowed to sub an already completed recipe if you weren't comfortable with creme brulee. I would be more comfortable with creme brulee if I had a torch. I think all the fun of creme brulee is being able to torch something and since someone doesn't think I need a torch for the kitchen, I decided to make Snickery Squares.

These don't really taste like Snickers bars but the flavors are great together. I only have a picture of the top of the squares right now because they're still cooling. I tasted a corner out of the side and these were really good and I'm sure they'll be even better when they've firmed up.

To view the complete recipe, visit Erin's blog at Dinner and Dessert. She chose this recipe back in March and it was a good choice. There are a lot of past recipes that really looked good and the ones that are chosen for this coming October look amazing. I usually just bake every other week so that I'm not overloaded with sweets (or so that Casey's co-workers aren't overloaded with sweets), but I might have to break that this coming month.


  1. uuuhhh!!! snicker squares. They look yummy!!! Hurray for rewinds.

  2. Ha! I always taste a corner, too, while something's cooling. Quality control!

    These look dangerously delicious.

  3. Hope you loved your Snickery Squares!
